Covidien/Respiratory & Monitoring Solutions

CS04178 Covidien/Respiratory & Monitoring Solutions. COVIDIEN/RESPIRATORY & MONITORING MICROCAP® HANDHELD CAPNOGRAPH & ACCESSORIES. Microcap Handheld Capnograph Monitor (Continental US Only) (EA)

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Cov CS04178
Available. 14-21 Days.


CS04178 Covidien/Respiratory & Monitoring Solutions. COVIDIEN/RESPIRATORY & MONITORING MICROCAP® HANDHELD CAPNOGRAPH & ACCESSORIES. Microcap Handheld Capnograph Monitor (Continental US Only) (EA). *****WE MAY CHARGE EXTRA SHIPPING FEE FOR THIS PRODUCT. PLEASE CONTACT US FOR SHIPPING FEE.***** The capnograph with Microstream® -enabled technology provides an accurate, reliable and easy-to-use assessment of your patient's respiratory status, whether intubated or non-intubated, in any clinical setting.
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